Monday, August 23, 2010

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Age: 33

Gender: Male

He was a drug addict and contracted the HIV virus in 2003. Started on anti-retroviral drugs in 2008.

He was also infected with Tuberculosis, Herpes Simplex virus and Candida Albicans fungal infection.

Then, his CD4 was 2 and viral load 10,000.

On November 2007, he started with Mas Ayu nutritional supplements. Mas Amirtha, Mas Semalu, Mas Neem, Mas Aki, Mas Tenang, Mas Kolostrom, Goats Milk and honey were given and administered three times a day.

After a couple of months on Mas Ayu nutritional supplements, His CD4+ (T4 lymphocyte) count shot up to 593 and his viral load was below 40(undetectable till date.) His energy level is at optimum, no herps, TB nor infection of any kind. He leads a very happy life in kuantan today.

Mas Ayu Amirtha:

1. Regulation of the biochemical and physiological balance of the body.

2. Improves the quality and quantity of blood.

3. Optimizes immunity and maintains a disease refusal state.

Mas Ayu Semalu:

1. Natural mild antibiotic.

2. Adjunct for viral fever.

Mas Ayu Aki:

1. Energy, stamina and strength.

2. Improves metabolism of absorbed foods.

3. Regulation of carbohydrate metabolism

Mas Ayu Kolostrom:

1. Assists in regeneration and improves normal growth of aged or injured muscle, bone cartilage, skin collagen and nerve tissue.

2. Excellent for immunity.

Mas Ayu Neem:

1. Traditionally used for Viral & Bacterial infections

Mas Ayu Tenang:

1. Reduces mental and physical stress.

2. Prevents tension headaches / migraine.

3. Reduces impulsive temperament and anger.

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